Update July 30, 2014: - New version 1.4.1 has been released. See post: http://goo.gl/2gedCi
Update June 21, 2012: - I have added a locked version of the spreadsheet (see above). This one should not have any data corruption issues. You would need to click on File > Make a Copy in order to be able to edit it, however.
Update June 20, 2012: - I've uploaded a fresh version of the Google Spreadsheet. Hopefully, this will eliminate the issues that we've been experiencing with Sales and ROIC numbers going missing!
Hello Folks! MSN Money recently changed the way it displays some of the data that my Rule #1 Spreadsheet uses. As a result, everything has stopped working. Not to worry, I have rectified all of the problems that I was aware of and now, I present to your version 1.3: http://goo.gl/5kscR and a locked version http://goo.gl/TY5iA (which should not have any data corruption problems the other has had)! Have fun with it!
You'll also find that I've added some more columns to the "Stock List" tab which hopefully will give you some more firepower in evaluating your stocks. A "Noteworthy" tab has also been added to list out some of the stock symbols that have fairly good Rule #1 numbers. Beware that some may just show up as good in this screen, but may actually be not-so-good stocks.
Please let me know if there are any bugs, etc! Cheers!